Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sleeping Beauty and The Teacher's Pet...

          So yesterday turned out to be my recovery day for my body. I got hella sleep since I found out my class in the morning was math and I knew that it was just going to be another syllabus day. So I went to the gym and worked out for about two hours. I swear girls just like to wear the least amount of clothes as possible no matter where they go, the club, the mall, and now the gym. It's getting to the point where I should just wear a speedo to do bench presses or to jump on the treadmill. The thing about it is that I know for the fact these are like married women or long term relationship women so I know their men aren't really approving but whatever, when they get banged out and left because all the guys in the gym only wanted to see how you feel physically and not emotionally she'll realize how slutty she actually is. Anyways, I went to my second class, which wasn't so bad because it talked a lot about the Filipino history and ended the day with me going back to the gym and sleeping at 10.
          Which brings me to today, so I wake up and leave hella early in the morning to get parking and get to my class since it was originally canceled on Monday. So, I walk in at around 9:57 a.m. ready to learn and it turns out she was already lecturing so I was like dang this class must be serious because everyone else was already there. I sit down and I realized I'm literally surrounded by half of Tokyo, no racial but there seemed STRICTLY Japanese people except for a sprinkle of white people that have their infatuations with innocent Asian girls or the culture. So, the teacher has us watch this video about how our brain works and mind you that the class I signed up for was a temporary issues class, so it seemed a little off but hopefully it would correlate later in the course, but then she stops the video and says we'll continue this on Friday  but it was only 10:23 a.m. which made me think hold on, I thought this class was till 11:20 and then I go outside my class and realize I just went through half of a class I didn't need too in which I could have been eating. So my day officially started about 2 hours ago, got myself some food and come back to this pinay teaching our class. Usually throughout your life you'll never come across any pretty teachers but I remember the first time I did last year during the summer and maaaaaaaaaan I never missed a class lol, got all the answers right, did my homework haha. Also, as she was going over the syllabus I realized our final is just a report which made me realize I really only have to study for two finals this semester, Math and Tagalog. But back to the pinay I think the class will be pretty interesting since I'm always up for debate about any subject, except for trying to make my girlfriend believe that she's the most gorgeous girl in the world.

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